Please feel free to download and
distribute these flyers at offline areas (conventions, video stores, and
other places that you have attained permission to do so previously)! If
you want, you can also include them in mailings to friends or to business
associates! You'd be definitely astonished as to who would actually
support the campaign -- we certainly are! You are also welcome to post
these flyers on your website or link back here!
As you may have noticed, our official flyers are in Microsoft Word� format. To download, right click then go to "Save File As" or "Save Target As". If you need to unzip, use a program such as WinZip or other program capable of handling .zip files. (If you are in need of such a program, visit
Please contact us and attach your flyer to an e-mail (or give us a link to where we can view/retrieve it) if you wish to have your Bring Back Kirk flyer listed here. |